Our why
A place for people responsible for wellbeing within a business to come together for the purpose of networking, sharing and connection. Strengthening the profile and influence of wellbeing across workplaces in Northland.
To lead networking, sharing and exchange of creative, innovative, ideas, wellbeing initiatives, workplace programmes, future trends and predictions within the wellbeing space while nurturing existing people working within this space and building capacity & mentoring opportunities for the next generation of influencers.
Bi-monthly meetings in Whangarei hosted by a business or utilising Technology to host online. We endeavour to provide services/access that allow those located in remote regional areas to participate and be inclusive of main locations.
Provide monthly meetings to discuss workplace wellbeing and provide the opportunity to attend workshops around specific areas of interest (i.e. Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Men’s Wellbeing, HR and Legal Requirements) with a future view to host inspirational speaking events from various backgrounds and experiences.